Publications scientifiques
Une forte valorisation scientifique de nos études attestée par nos publications
Measuring medication adherence in asthma: Development of a novel self-report tool.
Dima AL, van Ganse E, Laforest L, Texier N, de Bruin M; The Astro-Lab Group.
Psychol Health. 2017 Oct;32(10):1288-1307.
Cervical preparation prior to surgical abortion in real-life conditions and factors driving the prescription: A national observational study.
David P, Rondeau V, Pouriel M, Agostini A.
J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod. 2017 Dec;46(10):715-719.
ESOD : un score issu de la cohorte EXACO pour identifier les patients à risque d’exacerbations fréquentes
O. Le Rouzic, N. Roche, A. Cortot, F. Masure, T. Perez, I. Boucot, P. Piedbois, J. Ostinelli, C. Poutchnine, C. Pribil, S. Schück, M. Pouriel, B. Housset
CLPF 2017 – janv 2017
Public health impact of Infanrix hexa™ (DTPa-HBV-IPV/Hib) reimbursement: A study programme in France. Part 2: Evolution of the acceptability of infants’ vaccination against hepatitis B in general and pediatric practices – the PRALINE study.
Vié le Sage F, Gaudelus J, Lert F, Dufour V, Texier N, Pouriel M, Schück S, Tehard B, Bréart G.
Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique. 2016 Jun;64(3):185-94.
Que nous disent les asthmatiques sur leurs exacerbations sévères ?
Eric Van Ganse, Laurent Laforest, Nathalie Texier, Alexandra L. Dima et le groupe ASTROLAB
Therapie. 2019 Feb;74(1):119-129.
Public health impact of Infanrix hexa (DTPa-HBV-IPV/Hib) reimbursement: A study programme in France. Part 1: Evolution of hepatitis B vaccine coverage rates in infants aged less than 27 months, in the general population – the PopCorn study.
Gaudelus J, Vié le Sage F, Dufour V, Lert F, Texier N, Pouriel M, Tehard B, Bréart G.
Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique. 2016 Feb;64(1):23-32.
Limited treatment adaptation despite poor asthma control in asthma patients treated with inhaled corticosteroids.
Roche N, Pribil C, Devillier P, Van Ganse E, Schück S, Doussaint J, Martin J, Nachbaur G, Boucot I.
J Asthma. 2016;53(1):76-85.
[Prevention of venous thromboembolic events by fondaparinux 2.5mg in patients hospitalized for an acute medical illness. ArchiMed Study]
Leroyer C, Mahé I, Daurès JP, Quéré I, Aubin C, Compagnon A, Doussaint J, Schück S, Pouchain D.
J Mal Vasc. 2015 Jul;40(4):248-58. French.
Phenotyping chronic pulmonary aspergillosis by cluster analysis.
Godet C, Laurent F, Béraud G, Toper C, Camara B, Philippe B, Germaud P, Cottin V, Beigelman-Aubry C, Khalil A, Blouin P, Pouriel M, Roblot F, Bergeron A, Cadranel J; ACHROSCAN study group.
Eur Respir J. 2015 Nov;46(5):1509-12.
Utilisation de l’analyse vidéo automatisée des gestes dans l’apprentissage de la prise de traitements inhalés : une solution innovante
S. Schück, N. Texier, B. Housset, A. Mebarki, C. Faviez, R. Abdellaoui, D. Pouchain, N. Roche.
20ème congrès de pneumologie de la langue française – Lille, 29-31 Janvier 2016
Long-acting beta-agonists plus inhaled corticosteroids safety: a systematic review and meta-analysis of non-randomized studies.
Hernández G, Avila M, Pont A, Garin O, Alonso J, Laforest L, Cates CJ, Ferrer M; ASTRO-LAB group.
Respir Res. 2014 Jul 19;15(1):83.
Real-life use of fluticasone propionate/salmeterol in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a French observational study.
Roche N, Pribil C, Van Ganse E, Serrier P, Housset B, Poirier D, Texier N, Schück S, Boucot I.
BMC Pulm Med. 2014 Apr 2;14:56.
Durability and Tolerability of Fosamprenavir/Ritonavir Containing Regimens in HIV-Infected Patients with or without Hepatitis B or C Co-Infection: Results from a Large French Cohort in Clinical Practice
Dellamonica P, Katlama C, Cabié A, Texier N, Finkielsztejn L.
Aids and Clinical Research
Programme d’étude évaluant l’impact de santé publique du remboursement de la spécialité InfanrixHexa®, en population générale et en médecine générale et pédiatrique. Études pharmaco-épidémiologiques réalisées à la demande des autorités de santé
Leproust S, Bréart G, Dufour V, Gaudelus J, Lert F, Vié le Sage F, Théard B.
6ème forum scientifique de pharmaco-épidémiologie. Paris
Incidence of rotavirus gastroenteritis among children under 5 years consulting a paediatrician or a general practitioner in France
Parez N, Pozzetto B, Texier N, Mory O, Garbarg-Chenon A, Téhard B.
Pathol Biol (Paris). 2013 Jun;61(3):99-107. French.